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Our mission at Legacy Shifters is to be your best source of financial foundation we create through a lifetime of work and accomplishments. We want to make sure our families are secure and protected financially.

January 19, 2018

How to Set Your Children up for a Successful Future

It’s never too soon or too late to take charge of your financial future. Today, we’d like to share some information on how to start.

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We’ve been working with families and people for years now. One thing we’ve consistently seen in that time is that parents wait, hope, and pray that their youth get an education centered around money. 

But why are we waiting? You can begin to teach your children positive habits at any time.

Though, if you don’t understand what you should be doing yourself, it may be difficult to know how you should teach those skills to your children. 

Even if you find yourself in this position, we can help. One of the first things we recommend is to simply talk about the concept of retiring with your youth. When we think about our financial future, many of us might start to wonder when our own children will be thinking about this topic. 

If you are of retirement age right now and you have knowledge to share about financial security, why not pass it on to the youth in your family? 

Kris wrote her book “Ready for Pretirement” to help people understand and prepare for their financial future. Using the information in this book, she has helped so many people live their most fabulous futures. 

If you would like to continue the conversation with us about these skills and this knowledge, join our Shift membership.

One key thing to remember is that it’s never too early to start planning and start saving. Even if you encourage your children to save just $100 a month toward retirement, every little bit counts. You would be amazed to see how these habits can create income you will never outlive.

The concept of saving money is basic knowledge. The difference in what we share with people is personal development. Though people know they should save, they often don’t. In Tia’s book “Living on Purpose With a Purpose,” she encourages people to overcome fear and old habits in order to live their life with intention. 

If you would like to continue the conversation with us about these skills and this knowledge, join our Shift membership. The Legacy Shifters membership program is just $39.99 per year and offers an incredible value to its members. With this membership, you’ll receive guidance on your financial future, copies of both of our books, and much more.

You can find more information at

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.